Does the Location of a Thermostat Make a Difference?

It’s easy to understand why a thermostat is such an essential part of home’s comfort system. After all, how else can you communicate with your air conditioner or heater and set it to match your family’s needs? But because thermostats are designed as small and unobtrusive parts of a home’s interior décor (they aren’t painted flashy gold or with bright primary colors), it’s also easy for people to underestimate their importance.

How Dirty Evaporator and Condenser Coils Affect Your AC

It feels as if the summer weather has already arrived here in Phoenix—but of course, it’s really only just getting started! You’ve certainly been relying on your home’s air conditioning system already, and you need to make sure that you watch carefully for any signs that it’s malfunctioning so you can have repairs done early and reduce the risk of an AC breakdown in the middle of the summer.

Early Cooling Season and Air Conditioning Repairs

The hot weather is already here in Phoenix, and your air conditioner is probably hard at work keeping your family comfortable during the day and sometimes into the night. We hope that you’ve already had your annual inspection and tune-up for your cooling system.

Installing Ductless Air Conditioning for a Healthier Allergy Season

Spring brings with it warmer weather (warmer than our already mild winters, at lease). It also brings with it an increase in allergens in the air. As soon as the temperature remains consistently high for 3 to 4 days, which usually happens in April, the pollen count in the air rises steeply. This can make life unpleasant even for people with modest allergies.

Signs Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking Refrigerant

As temperatures start to climb toward the highs of summer, you’ll put more and more pressure on your air conditioning system. It’s important during this early part of the long air conditioning season that you watch for indications that the AC is suffering from problems.