Electric Fireplaces in Phoenix, Arizona?

Electric fireplaces in Phoenix, Arizona? When you live in one of the hottest cities in America, why would you be talking about electric fireplaces? That’s a question people outside of the Phoenix might ask. However, those of us who live here realize electric fireplaces in Phoenix make perfect sense!     Why Electric Fireplaces Make […]

Is an Energy Management System Right for Your Building?

Is an Energy Management System Right for Your Building or Business? As the owner of a medium-size contracting business in Mesa, AZ I know as well as the next entrepreneur that keeping operating expenses as low as possible equals a healthy bottom line. As the owner of both a commercial building which I lease back […]

Building Automation, Smart Homes, and Energy Management Systems

What is a smart building, and how can you benefit from building automation? As “smart” technology advances and device connectivity improves, people are becoming more familiar with the term “smart home”. A smart home or smart building is the practice of using connected devices to control home air conditioning and heating thermostats, lighting, garage door […]