Trane vs Bosch Heat Pumps

As Magic Touch Mechanical sells both brands, we compare Trane vs Bosch heat pumps every day with Phoenix, AZ homeowners. I don’t own stock in either company, so my philosophy is; may the best brand win at the kitchen table. As we recommend, sell & install both brands and all models discussed in this article, […]

Best Value Variable Speed Heat Pump

    I’m impartial when it comes to choosing the best value variable speed heat pump because we sell many competing brands. Trane, Lennox, Bosch, Goodman, & Mitsubishi (5 of the brands we install), each have their own unique position in the market. Each have their own “best in class” models, and each have their […]

Mitsubishi Mini Split Ductless Units

  Magic Touch Mechanical has been using Mitsubishi mini split ductless units to solve uneven room temperatures for over two decades. While the rest of the world embraced ductless technology long ago, homeowners in the US are only now catching up. Mitsubishi Electric, manufacturer of Mitsubishi mini split ductless units has remained the #1 selling […]

Mini Split AC – Make Your House Bigger!

I realize using the words mini & bigger in the same sentence as I did in this title seems contradictory. However, there’s nothing “mini” about the heating & cooling output or power of a Mini Split AC. In fact, common applications for a mini split AC system include, skyscrapers, shopping malls, warehouses and large luxury […]

New AC Units in Low Supply

I’ve been in A/C & heating business for over 30-years & founded Magic Touch Mechanical in Mesa, AZ in 1997. In all those years, 2020 is the first time I’ve ever seen new AC units in low supply. I’m not talking about one manufacturer being behind schedule, I’m talking about almost every brand name across […]

Glowing Embers in a Fireplace

  Glowing embers in a fireplace (sometimes referred to as burning embers) are an inexpensive way to enhance your gas fireplace. Glowing embers do not affect the operation of a gas fireplace. However, they work great for mimicking a real wood fireplace or campfire. Although we’ve published many articles showcasing modern fire glass, stainless burner […]

Fireplace Safety Tips

Our fireplace service technicians are already in full swing checking our clients’ gas fireplaces & fire pits throughout Phoenix. First and foremost, fireplace safety is at the top of our list for every homeowner and business owner we visit. Over the last 25+ years, we’ve inspected, repaired, cleaned, and serviced many thousands of propane & […]

HVAC Thermostat Settings – Auto Changeover

  Last week we explained the purpose of the FAN Switch on your home’s HVAC thermostat. This week, we’re going to discuss the Auto Changeover feature, what it does, and when it’s useful. Keep reading this series of articles and before you know it, you’ll be a Master of HVAC thermostat settings!   Don’t Like […]

My AC Won’t Shut Off! Here’s Why

  My AC won’t shut off. The thermostat is set to the off position, but my AC keeps running. That’s the exact message I received from my mother a few days ago. Like most people probably suspect first, my mother instantly thought her thermostat was broken. As a 30+ year HVAC service technician, I knew to […]