HVAC Thermostat Settings – Auto Changeover
Last week we explained the purpose of the FAN Switch on your home’s HVAC thermostat. This week, we’re going to discuss the Auto Changeover feature, what it does, and when it’s useful. Keep reading this series of articles and before you know it, you’ll be a Master of HVAC thermostat settings!
Don’t Like the Weather? Wait a Minute!
Phoenix, Arizona is one of those places where the saying above holds true in October and November. In the 23-years I’ve been running Magic Touch Mechanical, I’ve seen 100° temperatures and 40° temperatures in the Fall. In fact, us Phoenician’s know we can see those 60° temperature swings in a 24-hour time period! Sometimes, you need a jacket in the morning, shorts in the afternoon, and then a jacket again in the evening. Having traveled this great country extensively, I know a lot of you experience the same thing throughout the year. The Auto Changeover setting in your HVAC thermostat settings is helpful this time of year.
What the Auto Changeover HVAC Thermostat Setting Does
On the first chilly morning of the season we turn on the heat to cut the chill in the air. A few hours later it might be 85-90° and now it’s too warm not to run the A/C! Then the sun goes down and before you know it, we need some heat again! So, we’re manually switching our HVAC thermostat settings from heat to cool, cool to heat – rinse, lather, repeat! The Auto Changeover feature built into some HVAC thermostat settings switches your system from heating to cooling automatically. When the temperature in your house remains constant, you no longer need to keep changing outfits just to stay comfortable.
How Does the Auto Changeover HVAC Thermostat Setting Work?
Everyone’s “perfect temperature” is a little different and things like humidity play a role in people’s comfort. Let’s use 78° Fahrenheit as an example since it’s a common temperature setting that I see in people’s homes. Go into your HVAC thermostat settings and switch the Auto Changeover feature to “on.” Next, set your temperature setting to 78°.
If the temperature in your home falls below 78°, your heat will turn on automatically. Likewise, if your home’s temperature rises above 78°, the system will automatically begin cooling. It’s really that simple!
When the Auto Changeover HVAC Thermostat Setting Works Best
In the A/C & heating business, we refer to the period between cooling & heating seasons as the “shoulder season.” During the shoulder season, we all typically use a little heat & a little cooling depending on the day. It’s during the shoulder season we find most of our clients using the Auto Changeover HVAC thermostat setting the most.
I Can’t Find an Auto Changeover in my HVAC Thermostat Settings

Upgrade Lately?
While Auto Changeover is a pretty common feature found on thermostats today, not all models include this feature. Just like not all cars include cruise control, not all thermostats are as feature rich as others. If you really want this feature but aren’t ready to replace your whole HVAC system, you don’t have to. You can simply upgrade your thermostat as almost all types of HVAC systems will work with an Auto Changeover thermostat.
Brands & Models We Recommend
There’s no shortage of thermostats on the market that include an Auto Changeover feature. Especially in recent years with the popularity-explosion of “Smart Thermostats” which include Wi-Fi capabilities. We have the NEST thermostat to thank for making Smart Wi-Fi Thermostats popular. Today nearly every other thermostat manufacturer has jumped onboard and produces a smart Wi-Fi thermostat of their own. Visit our Thermostats page to see some popular smart thermostats that include this feature and many more. Note – only in writing this article did I realize I have some updates to add to that page! There are quite a few other thermostats we at Magic Touch Mechanical recommend and install regularly.
Where to Buy A Smart Thermostat
It’s no secret you can buy thermostats from Amazon, Best Buy, Lowe’s, or nearly every other big box retail store. Most people that understand electrical circuits could probably even install one themselves. However, I’d advise most people to proceed with caution for a few reasons.
First, it’s not uncommon for us to get service calls from homeowners who installed their own thermostats and couldn’t get it to work. They usually say, “I tried reinstalling my old thermostat and now that doesn’t work either.” More often than not, they either shorted a fuse or worse, burned up an expensive transformer. By trying to save a few dollars, they wind up spending a few hundred they didn’t need to.
Second, when you buy a thermostat through an HVAC Contractor you get a labor warranty AND a longer parts warranty. Some thermostats provide a 5-year parts warranty when installed by an HVAC Contractor vs. only 90-days to a year otherwise.
Lastly, you’re supporting a local business and keeping dollars in your own community!
In Arizona? Let Magic Touch Mechanical Wow You!
Of course, if you live near the Greater Phoenix Metro area, we want you to call Magic Touch Mechanical. If you think our blog articles are honest & informative, you’ll be more impressed with our install & service technicians! We provide a 5-Star Service Guarantee, which explains the thousands of 5-Star online customer reviews you’ll find when researching us. As I always say; there’s a good reason we’ve had an A+ BBB rating for 23-years…we earn it ever day!
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