Why Consider an Energy Management System for Your Business

Modern commercial buildings have many ways in which they can waste energy, often without the business owner realizing it. But with so many different systems working in a company every day, how can you control how your business uses energy and improve it?

Magic Touch Mechanical Will Be at the Maricopa County Home Show This Weekend

If you’re interested in meeting with the professional heating, air conditioning, and energy-saving team at Magic Touch Mechanical, you have a great opportunity this weekend at the Maricopa County Home Show. This event is held a number of times a year as place where hundreds of companies that provide services for homes and gardens can gather, offering consumers a chance to shop for home improvements and innovations.

What Does a Fireplace Inspection Involve?

Fireplaces and chimneys are very durable parts of homes. In fact, they can sometimes outlast the rest of a home! But this toughness often creates the illusion that fireplaces don’t need regular professional care and maintenance.

Is a Swamp Cooler and Effective Way to Cool My Home?

Swamp coolers are popular in Tempe, AZ and throughout the Valley of Sun. We’ll look into some of the reasons why in this post. But first, of course, we have to answer the question that comes up the most when talking about swamp coolers: What exactly is a “swamp cooler”?

Some Options for Thermostat Replacement for Your Home

Thermostats are a key part of how your HVAC system works: the thermostat communicates to the heater and the air conditioner, as well as the blower fan, when to come on and turn off. If the thermostat develops malfunctions, it will result in major problems, such as an air conditioner that won’t come on or a heating system that short-cycles (turning on and off rapidly and creating a large amount of stress on the system).