First Air Conditioning in Phoenix

  Life Before There Was Air Conditioning in Phoenix Imagine what it must’ve been like for the first settlers to live in Arizona before air conditioning in Phoenix, Arizona. Let’s face it, most of us wouldn’t live here today if our homes didn’t have central air conditioners. In fact, nowadays many Phoenix homes even have […]

How Does Air Conditioning Work?

    Today we’re covering how air conditioning works! My company is named Magic Touch Mechanical, and we make air conditioners that once didn’t, work all the time. However, if you’re wondering how air conditioning works… it’s not really magic, it’s science! We just make it look easy… that’s the magic! Unless you attended an […]

Getting the Best New AC Unit Install

  How can you guarantee you’re getting the best new AC unit install? What makes a good AC unit install vs bad installation? If you’re shopping around for a new AC unit, you’ve no doubt read the quality of the installation matters most. Manufacturers and trade associations all agree that proper installation is more important […]

Daikin vs Mitsubishi: Who’s King?

  Here we go again, this one is the bout for the title between two heavyweight juggernauts: Daikin vs Mitsubishi. Daikin and Mitsubishi are synonymous with mini split ductless air conditioners & heat pumps. However, to be fair, both of these HVAC manufacturing giants are players in the “ducted” world of central air also. What […]

Cheap AC Unit Installations Suck!

    You may think the title of this article, Cheap AC Unit Installations Suck is rather crass – that was the point! I wanted to get your attention and hopefully save you from the same mistake too many people make. It seems no matter how many articles I write warning homeowners why not to take “the […]

Thermostat Fan, On or Auto?

    HVAC Thermostat Switch, On or Auto – Answered!       Where should I set my thermostat fan, on or auto? I just answered this question for a friend, and it reminded me a lot of people don’t know. However, you’ll now know which is right for your home & A/C unit after […]

Why Buy a Lennox Air Conditioner?

       Why buy a Lennox Air Conditioner? Not even a tornado will stop American workers! This article is not a sales pitch, it’s a story about supporting American workers & keeping jobs in the USA! This is a true account of a tornado striking the Lennox Air Conditioning & Heating facility in Iowa last […]

What’s Included in a Home Energy Audit

      By now, most people have heard of a home energy audit. When we first started offering home energy audits 17-years ago, most people didn’t even know what that meant. The question nowadays…what’s included in a home energy audit? So, I decided to write an article about what we inspect, what we test, […]

5 Reasons Ductless AC & Heat is Better

    There are more than 5 reasons ductless AC & Heat is better than a central air system. However, this article might be too long to read if we listed them all. We asked five ductless mini split experts here at Magic Touch Mechanical to choose one, and here’s what they said:     […]