What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need?

How to Determine What Size Air Conditioner You Need What size air conditioner do I need for a 2000 square foot house? How many tons of AC do I need per square foot? If you’re asking these questions, you’re probably in the process of buying a new air conditioner or heat pump. Figuring out what […]

Best Air Conditioning Contractor Award

10 years ago today, we received news that Magic Touch was chosen as the best air conditioning contractor in America! More specifically, we were named the ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) Residential Air Conditioning Contractor of the Year. Although we’ve received many prestigious awards, before & since, winning ACCA’s best air conditioning contractor award […]

What is a White Label Air Conditioner?

If someone asked you what brand air conditioner you had in your home, would you know the answer? What if they asked, “do you own a white label air conditioner?” Even trickier, would you know the answer if someone asked if your air conditioner was “private label”? If you have no idea what a private […]

Gree Mini Split Ductless Review

In recent weeks we’ve received numerous homeowner inquiries asking how we like the Gree mini split ductless heat pump. Most of the requests came from people who read our past posts about the Gree Flexx, which is not ductless. If you haven’t read any of them, you can read about the Gree Flexx I installed […]

HVAC Equipment Zoning

Recently a homeowner outside of the Magic Touch Mechanical service area contacted me with questions about HVAC equipment zoning. He wasn’t asking about a true ‘zone system’ (using motorized dampers in the ductwork), his inquiry was about ‘equipment zoning’. HVAC Equipment Zoning vs a Zone System A zone system aka zoning works by sending more […]

Gree Heat Pump Install

It’s been 4 months since we completed the Gree heat pump install at my mother’s Chandler, AZ home. I thought it would be a good time to write a follow up review and share how she likes it.   Gree Heat Pump Install Follow Up I wrote about the Gree heat pump install we did […]

2023 Best Air Conditioners & Heaters

Every year we publish our picks of the best central air conditioning & heating systems on the market. The 2023 best air conditioners & heating units list shares some of the units that made last year’s list and introduces some new models.   Criteria Used to Choose 2023 Best Air Conditioners & Heating Units  As […]

Freon Refrigerant Cost & Availability

How much does freon cost per pound? In my 35+ years as an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning) Technician, this is a question I’ve answered often. Freon refrigerant cost & availability is changing rapidly in recent years now that production has been banned in the U.S. Now, in 2023, more changes to the refrigerant […]

Choosing The Right AC Filter

Ask 3 HVAC service technicians what kind of AC filter you should use, you’ll probably get three different answers. The Rock Stopper AC Filter Technician 1: “Just get the cheapest disposable AC filter and change it every 30 days.” Technician 1’s opinion is based on the premise that a cheap filter will restrict airflow the […]