Why Duct Sealing Is So Important (Plus: Rebate Offer!)

Proper comfort and energy efficiency in your home is about more than the AC and heater. It’s also about the ventilation system that carries conditioned air to the rooms. It’s easy to put the ductwork out of your mind since you can’t see most of it, but that’s a mistake. Air ducts with damage will start to leak air, and this will have an impact on your comfort, energy savings, and even the quality of your indoor air.

Now Is a Great Time for Annual Heating Maintenance!

Although people who don’t live in the Valley of the Sun might find the idea of heating a home here absurd, residents know that we can experience some cold evenings during the winter. It’s important that you have your home’s heater in the best shape for when it finally has to turn on after long months of hot-weather hibernation.

What Does a Fireplace Inspection Involve?

Fireplaces and chimneys are very durable parts of homes. In fact, they can sometimes outlast the rest of a home! But this toughness often creates the illusion that fireplaces don’t need regular professional care and maintenance.

Why You Need Professional Fireplace Cleaning

Although we don’t worry as much about keeping our homes warm during the year in Tempe, AZ as we do keeping them cool, the fireplace is an interesting exception. In most homes, the fireplace isn’t there to serve as a heating system.

When Should I Schedule Duct Testing?

One of the key services we provide to assist homes with increasing energy performance is duct testing. Using special equipment, our highly trained specialists will find out the state of the ventilation system in your home and discover how it can be improved.