Choosing The Right AC Filter

Ask 3 HVAC service technicians what kind of AC filter you should use, you’ll probably get three different answers. The Rock Stopper AC Filter Technician 1: “Just get the cheapest disposable AC filter and change it every 30 days.” Technician 1’s opinion is based on the premise that a cheap filter will restrict airflow the […]

What Are My Options for Better Indoor Air Quality?

If you think that your home is suffering from low quality air, you’re probably right: numerous houses in the U.S. today are dealing with contaminant-filled air due to a lack of fresh-air circulation. Fortunately, there are many ways to clean the air in a home to make it a healthier and more comfortable environment.

Top 10 Natural Allergy Cures

Our blog focuses on three main items when considering providing solutions to our readers; Comfort, Health/Safety, and Energy Savings. One of the subjects that falls under two of those three categories (Comfort & Health) is Indoor Air Quality often referred to simply as IAQ. Allergies caused by breathing in harmful particulate matter in the air […]