Common Monsoon Season Air Conditioning Problems

  Yes, I know monsoon season isn’t the proper terminology, it’s just monsoon. Let’s face it though, most of us simply refer to this time of year as “monsoon season!” The official start of the Arizona monsoon is June 15th, so buckle up! Not only will you need to personally prepare for the rain, storms […]

How Your Air Conditioning Unit Affects Your Home’s Air Quality

Your air conditioning system runs throughout the entirety of your house, so it’s easy to see how it affects the air quality in your home. Your home’s air quality in turn affects the health and comfort of both you and your family. But in what ways does this air quality manifest? What can you do […]

Keeping Your Pet Cool During the Summer

Nearly 57 percent of all U.S. households owned a pet at the end of the year 2016. This is according to the 2017-2018 edition of the Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook by the American Veterinary Medical Association. More than 57% of the Magic Touch team have fur babies. In fact, almost all of us do! So, it’s important […]

Humidity, Air Conditioning, and Arizona’s Monsoon Season

Here in Phoenix, we love the temperate winters and seemingly always readily-available sun. And even though summer temperatures climb well into the 100’s, we rest easy knowing that we can crank up the A/C and relax comfortably in our homes. People from all over the world move to Arizona to trade the cold and ice […]

Benefits of a Programmable Thermostat

  What are the benefits of a programmable thermostat?   Would you like save on your cooling costs during those times when the house is empty? We know, who doesn’t wish they could easily lower the power bill! Do you often come home from work or an outing to find the house too cool or too […]

Humidity, Air Conditioning, and Arizona’s Monsoon Season

Here in Phoenix, we love the temperate winters and seemingly always readily-available sun. And even though summer temperatures climb well into the 100’s, we rest easy knowing that we can crank up the A/C and relax comfortably in our homes. People from all over the world move to Arizona to trade the cold and ice […]

Improving Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency

  As summer months get closer, many people here in Phoenix start thinking about their home’s air conditioner. Will it be able to handle the job of keeping the house cool as the temperatures climb into the 100’s? Or, as we’ve seen in recent summers, the 120’s! Of course, it’s critical that your air conditioning unit that […]