Is Your Air Dry? Signs that You Need a Humidifier

Low humidity is a fact in this part of the country, but it’s important that you take the necessary precautions for making sure that your home has what it needs to be comfortable all year long.

Common Signs that You Need Heating Repair

We specialize in restoring the effectiveness and efficiency of nearly all makes and models of heaters. We can do the same for you. Here are some common signs that you should get in touch with your local HVAC professional.

How Often Do I Need To Have My Air Conditioning & Heating Unit Checked?

How Often Do I Need To Have My Air Conditioning & Heating Unit Checked? Magic Touch Mechanical’s offices are located in Mesa, Arizona where today in late August it is 109 degrees Fahrenheit! So, it may seem a little unusual to some that we have already begun contacting our clients to schedule their fall heating […]

Is Air Duct Cleaning A Scam?

Do I really need to clean my air ducts? Those of us in the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) business have heard this question a thousand times. My answer has been the same for many years…don’t bother!

Why Insulation is Important

Considering where we live, you may not be entirely convinced that your insulation needs are all that, well, necessary. Isn’t insulation primarily for areas with brutal winters? Isn’t the insulation in my home sufficient for my needs?

How To Choose and Hire the RIGHT Contractor

Hiring The Best Contractor Last week I read with great dismay a Facebook post from a Phoenix area homeowner that had been ripped off by a person calling himself a contractor. The reason I say, “calling himself a contractor” is; this person did not have an Arizona Contractors License…so he was NOT a “contractor”, he […]

Welcome to Our New Website

iMarket Solutions has launched Magic Touch Mechanical a new custom website. To learn more about how iMarket Solutions can expand your presence on the web visit:

Which is the best air conditioning and heating brand?

  What brand of central air conditioning and heating unit is the best? Ask ten different Phoenix HVAC Companies (HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) which brand air conditioning and heating system is the best and you’ll most likely get five to ten different answers. Since that will only add to your confusion we’re […]