Is Variable Speed Worth it – Part 2

Are Variable Speed Air Conditioners Worth the Money? How Much? I continue to read Facebook comments from people shopping for a new AC unit, and those who have recently purchased new air conditioning & heating equipment, that the HVAC salespeople they met with advised them; “not to waste money on a variable speed air conditioner.” […]

Magic Touch BBB Torch Award Finalist

Magic Touch Mechanical Named 2018 BBB Torch Awards for Ethics Finalist Back in 2008 Magic Touch Mechanical was named Winner of the BBB Business Ethics Award. Exactly 10-years later, we are excited to announce we were once again chosen as one of three in our category for this very prestigious award! This news marks the […]

How Often Does a New AC Unit Need a Tuneup?

My AC Unit is Brand New & Under Warranty – I Don’t Need a Tune Up Right?   You’ve just spent thousands of dollars replacing an older air conditioner with a new AC unit, and now your air conditioning company is telling you that it needs maintenance every six-months. That can’t be right can it, […]

Trane XV18 vs. Lennox XP20 Heat Pump

A Side by Side Comparison of Trane XV18 and Lennox XP20 Don’t let the numbers in the model name fool you. The Trane XV18 and Lennox XP20 Heat Pump Condensers are more of a fair fight than the manufacturers’ numbering system might suggest. Both are their respective companies “one model down” variable speed heat pump. […]

APS AC Rebate Going Away In 2018

APS AC Rebate Program Placed on Hold Effective 3-7-18   In a surprising twist of events APS Qualified Contractors and participants in APS’s AC Rebate Program received a message late Friday afternoon March 2nd, that effective March 7, 2018 no more rebates would be issued to APS customers who replaced their existing air conditioning and […]

What’s the Best Air Conditioner for a Garage?

Installing an Air Conditioner in Your Garage? Here are Your Options and Approximate Costs My two-car garage has everything but a car in it. That’s because I spend a lot of time in my garage working on my motorcycles and various home improvement projects. I would say my garage looks like what would happen if […]

What is the Best Brand Air Conditioner?

What is the Best New AC Unit Money Can Buy 2018? I serve on a few Advisory Boards and am a regular contributor to a few HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning) Industry news publications. A few months ago, a writer for one of these publications contacted me about a story she was writing about […]

Why is SRP giving a rebate for getting an AC tune up?

Utility Company Rebates for Air Conditioners – What’s the Rub? I’ve met people that generally loathe the local their power company. After all, these are the same companies that charge us thousands of dollars per year to keep the lights on, run our air conditioners, and wash our clothes on a daily basis, and most […]

Variable Speed AC Worth The Money?

The Truth About Variable Speed Air Conditioners I have a bone to pick with some of the AC Companies in Phoenix! I’ve now heard more than a few homeowners my company, Magic Touch Mechanical, has visited with, tell us that another Arizona HVAC company advised them that; “variable speed air conditioners are not worth the […]