Tips for Selecting the Right Thermostat for Your Home
When you install a new HVAC system in your home, it’s always a good idea to also upgrade the thermostat. That way you’ll receive the most out of your new AC and heater. But you can also choose to upgrade the thermostat at any time, and this is something to consider if your current thermostats are more than 10 years old, or they’re still manual models.
There are many different options currently available for thermostats, making it sometimes tricky to make the best choice. Below we’ve provided a few tips for optimizing your thermostat selection. Make sure you work with our HVAC experts at Magic Touch Mechanical: they can provide the advice that will help you get the right thermostat—and they’ll handle the installation as well.
What type of thermostat programming do you want?
Old programmable thermostats usually offered only two different programs: morning and evening. But today there are 7-day thermostats, with unique program for each day of the week. If you have a busy schedule, a 7-day model is a good choice. If you have a more regular weekly schedule, consider a 5-1-1 day thermostat, which has one program for weekdays and a program each for Saturday and Sunday, or a 5-2 day model, with one program for weekdays and one for the weekend.
Will you benefit from a Wi-Fi thermostat?
Wi-Fi enabled thermostat gives you almost unlimited access to your home’s comfort system as long as you have an Internet or satellite connection and mobile device or computer. For people who travel frequently, these are great options.
Are you most interested in saving energy?
If you want to focus on saving energy in your home, then consider a “smart” thermostat (also known as a “learning” thermostat). These systems are programmable, but instead of you trying to figure out the ideal program through trial and error, the thermostat will learn from you as you use it, and then it will develop a program that caters to your schedule while maximizing energy savings. Smart thermostats also have Wi-Fi capability and will present you with reports on how much energy they’re saving.
Our technicians are standing by to help with your thermostat choice, and they’ll answer any questions you might have.
For great thermostat installation and other AC services in Peoria, AZ, call Magic Touch Mechanical.