Electric Fireplaces in Phoenix, Arizona?

Electric fireplaces in Phoenix, Arizona? When you live in one of the hottest cities in America, why would you be talking about electric fireplaces? That’s a question people outside of the Phoenix might ask. However, those of us who live here realize electric fireplaces in Phoenix make perfect sense!


electric fireplaces in phoenix arizona - electric fireplace in white living room


Why Electric Fireplaces Make Perfect Sense in Phoenix

Having entered the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning) trade as a young man in NYC, fireplace installation was commonplace. Most homes in New York had a wood or gas fireplace as a secondary from of heating. In fact, I personally serviced many fireplaces back East and woodstoves that were the primary source of heating in the home.

Aside from the obvious heat source, fireplaces add ambiance, coziness, a place for the family to gather, even romance to your home. Who doesn’t enjoy a nice fireplace?

However, here in AZ we don’t always want to add heat to our homes to create the ambiance fireplaces offer. That’s why electric fireplaces in Phoenix make perfect sense. Electric fireplaces give you all the benefits of a wood or gas fireplace with, or more importantly, without generating heat.


Not Your Parents Electric Fireplace!

Magic Touch Mechanical & our fireplace store, The Fire Place, have been installing, remodeling, and repairing fireplaces for 27 years. Until about 10 years ago, most of those fireplaces were propane or natural gas fireplaces. Older electric fireplaces rarely looked remotely like a real fireplace. In fact, some of the old school electric fireplaces were downright ugly!

That’s not the case anymore. New electric fireplace technology has advanced so much that you’d be hard pressed to tell it was electric. I remember being amazed the first time I saw the Modern Flames, Orion Multi at a fireplace trade show. I turned to my business partner and said look at that electric fireplace. She said, (and I quote) “that’s a gas fireplace.” Upon closer examination (somewhat starry-eyed) she said, “I want one!”



gas fireplace remote control - the fire place by magic touch logo



Fireplace Store in Phoenix

Electric fireplaces in Phoenix are so popular, we have over a dozen models on display in our Mesa design center!

We converted over 1,000+ square feet of our building in downtown Mesa, AZ into showroom space so we could add more electric units. Yes, we have gas too, but most people want to see the electric fireplaces because they can enjoy them year-round.

In fact, we needed to add so many electric fireplaces, we converted our lobby into showroom space as well! We’re in the process of adding more electric fireplaces to our fireplace store in Mesa, AZ.


There’s One for Every Budget

If you think electric fireplaces are basic, think again! We’ve installed electric fireplaces in some of the nicest homes in Phoenix. Of course, there are entry-level electric fireplaces available for those on a tighter budget as well. I’m not talking about the cheesy fakes you can buy on Amazon either, I’m talking realistic (and more importantly, serviceable) models that will stand the test of time.

For those who want the best electric fireplace money can buy, there are even models that can be connected to one another seamlessly. You want to talk “wow-factor,” it’s available!


an electric fireplace installed in Phoenix - Scottsdale AZ


Buying An Electric Fireplace in Phoenix, Arizona

There are several places to buy an electric fireplace in Phoenix. There’s a discernible difference when you buy one from The Fire Place by Magic Touch, however.

As a division of Magic Touch, The Fire Place brings 27 years of fireplace installation, remodeling, and service experience to you. Our designers, installers, and service technicians are not only factory trained fireplace experts, but we also have in-house electric, remodeling, and HVAC experts. You don’t have to go find an electrician, remodeling contractor, fireplace technician, etc. when you choose us. We got you covered!


NFI (National Fireplace Institute) Certified Experts on Staff

national fireplace institute certified logoNFI (National Fireplace Institute) is the certification body for the hearth & fireplace industry in North America. In a nutshell, holding an NFI Certification means you’ve demonstrated expertise in all thing’s fireplaces, fire pits, and hearths.

One NFI certification that covers all types of fireplaces, venting, electrical, clearances, codes, etc. is the Hearth Design Specialist certification. The HDS Certification establishes expert knowledge in gas, wood, pellet, and electric fireplaces (basically, every type of fireplace).

As of the time of publishing this article, The Fire Place by Magic Touch is the only fireplace store in Phoenix with a current certified Hearth Design Specialist on staff. In other words, you can rest assured you’re working with proven experts when you work with The Fire Place!

Are you ready for an electric fireplace? Call The Fire Place by Magic Touch today!

Do you have an electric fireplace repair need and not sure who to call? Stop wondering who to call, you already found us!






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about the author rich morgan

Author: Rich Morgan, CEO Magic Touch Mechanical & The Fire Place










Electric Fireplaces