Kudzu Review
I gave it a few months to make sure there weren’t problems with our new ac unit before writing a review. found this business here on kudzu along with 3 others when our 20 year old ac decided to breathe its last breath. we chose this business because they were the most informative and gave us a bunch of different options from low end to high end. we also liked that they had a few brands to choose from unlike 2 of the other companies who only had Traine which we would never buy again. we went with their brand because of the price and warranty which were both better then the other options. the unit cools the house better then the old traine ever did and our power bill is down $90 a month less thenm it was last year. the only problem was the thermostat stopped working about a week after they put it in but they came out right away probably within an hour after I called. they said the thermostat was bad and replaced it for free under the warranty. we are going to have them replace the other Traine unit this winter when it cools down and will get the same unit. we recommend magic touch.