Preparing Your AC for the Hot Weather—Which Is Almost Here!
March is proverbial for its unpredictable weather. That’s why people often can’t remember if the phrase about March entering like a lion and leaving like a lamb isn’t the other way around. (It often is!) But in Phoenix, AZ, March is usually more predictable: this is when temperatures start their steady rise toward the 100°F+ weather we experience throughout the summer. Although days in the mid-80s seem “cool” compared to what’s coming, it’s still a time when homes need to have their air conditioning systems ready to go to work.
Let’s take a look at how to prepare your AC to face the hotter weather just around the corner.
Air Conditioning Maintenance: It’s Essential!
Maintenance is the most important step for ensuring that your home’s air conditioning system will have as trouble-free a summer as possible. This maintenance—which only a trained HVAC professional can do—helps to catch repair issues early and removes strain that accumulates on the system over the year. If you have maintenance done for your AC each spring, you can expect a system that costs less to run and enjoys a long service life.
One of our technicians will come to your house to give your AC a complete step-by-step inspection to look over its components. We use a 66-point tune-up and cleaning to see that your air conditioner is in prime shape. If we discover anything wrong, we’ll help arrange for the repair work in time to beat out the arrival of the worst of the summer heat.
We offer excellent HVAC maintenance programs in Chandler, AZ. There are three different levels to fit your budget plans.
Test the Ducts and Have Them Sealed if Necessary
An important part of air conditioning systems that’s often overlooked is their ductwork. Ducts with damage will allow air to escape. This not only lowers how effective the AC is at cooling the house, it places heavy stress on the air conditioner that elevates bills and may lead to repair issues. We recommend that you schedule duct testing with our professionals every few years to see if your ventilation system requires repair work. If you have any reason to suspect the ducts are already leaking, arrange for testing ASAP.
If duct testing shows you need duct sealing in Tempe, AZ, this is another job that we can take care of for you.
Replace an Over the Hill Air Conditioning System
Sometimes the most diligent maintenance service and highest quality professional repairs aren’t enough to overcome an aging AC. During maintenance, our technicians will give you an informed estimation about how much longer your air conditioner will last, and whether it’s a better choice to have a new one put in. You can trust to our expertise and honesty: we want you to enjoy the home cooling and energy savings you deserve each summer.
Our air conditioning specialists will help you choose a new system for air conditioning replacement in Scottsdale, AZ if that’s the best option for your future comfort.
Call Magic Touch Mechanical today to experience our award-winning customer service first-hand. We look forward to exceeding your expectations!