Gas Fireplace Maintenance
Having a gas fireplace is a great feature in any home; they are attractive and add value to your house, plus they are the most efficient type of fireplace. It is important to note that owning a gas fireplace means you need to also schedule annual maintenance. Failure to maintain and clean your gas fireplace at least once a year can lead to fire or carbon monoxide poisoning and should not be neglected.
Magic Touch Mechanical performs hundreds of annual maintenance checks, cleanings and restorations on gas fireplaces in the Phoenix, Arizona area every year and this post gives you an idea of some of the things we are looking at and cleaning to assure your fireplace is running efficiently and operating safely.
1. Checking for gas leaks
As with any gas appliance, it’s very important to check for gas leaks, loose connections, cracked gas lines or fittings and problems with the gas valve and shut-off. If a gas leak is suspected, Magic Touch Mechanical’s technicians conduct further testing to find and repair the problem.
NOTE: If you suspect a gas leak in your home, get out immediately and call your gas company or the fire department immediately. DO NOT use your home phone to make the call!
2. Checking for proper exhaust venting
One of the most dangerous problems a gas fireplace, furnace or other gas appliance can have is a blocked, disconnected, or improperly installed ventilation system. It is EXTREMELY important the exhaust ventilation system be checked annually as it is not uncommon for birds and rodents to create nests in these systems, which block poisonous gasses from escaping. A deadly gas known as carbon monoxide claims the lives of many people every year and hospitalizes thousands more, due to improperly functioning exhaust systems.
3. Checking the fan and blades
Some gas fireplaces come equipped with a fan to help circulate the heated air evenly throughout the room. Making sure the fan is operating correctly and the fan blades are not broken or dirty is important to avoid expensive repairs.
4. Checking the ignition source
Older gas fireplaces are equipped with a “standing pilot” pilot light. These should be turned off during the months the gas fireplace is not in use as they are very inefficient. Newer models come with a more modern electronic ignition, which can lose effectiveness over time and should be tested for proper operation every year.
5. Checking the gas logs
The fake logs in your gas fireplace do more than just add a decorative touch to your fireplace. Not only do they get dirty, they can break. It’s of the utmost importance to clean and check these logs to prevent injury or death.
6. Cleaning the firebox and pans
Magic Touch will clean the firebox and pans to assure your fireplace is clean and safe for another season of warmth and enjoyment.
7. Checking electrical switches
Some gas fireplaces have a convenient wall switch to make it easy to turn your fireplace on and off and a few higher end models come with remote controls. Your Magic Touch Mechanical technician will check these switches to assure all connections are tight and the device is functioning properly.
8. Checking safety devices
Some gas fireplaces are equipped with safety devices and switches, which shut off the gas valve in the case of malfunction to protect your property and family from catastrophe. We check these safety devices to make sure they are working properly.
The most important thing to remember is although gas fireplaces can be dangerous, you can rest easy knowing that when properly cleaned and maintained by a qualified service technician from Magic Touch Mechanical, you have nothing to worry about!
BONUS: Most manufacturers require proof of maintenance from a professional contractor in order to keep the manufacturers warranty in good standing. Magic Touch Mechanical maintains records and invoice copies which provide the proof you need to keep your warranty coverage in place.