Heat Pump Defrost Cycle

Understanding the heat pump defrost cycle and how it works is something every heat pump owner should know. This article explains what a heat pump defrost cycle is, how often it occurs, and how long it should last. When you’re familiar with how your heat pump works, you’ll know when it’s operating the way it’s […]

Best Heating and Cooling Brands

With a title like Best Heating and Cooling Brands, you may expect to start reading about Bosch, Trane, Lennox, etc. That’s not what you’re going to find here, but I promise you this article will help you choose the best. What I share in this article is based on over 36 years as an HVAC […]

The Fire Place Not the Fireplace

Coming from New York, the fireplace was just another heating appliance I’d receive service calls for as an HVAC technician. It wasn’t unusual to work on a few fireplaces, stoves, and similar appliances a few times a week. So, when I moved to Phoenix, I was surprised to learn very few local heating companies serviced […]

Gas Furnace vs Heat Pump

The Inflation Reduction Act includes a $2,000 tax incentive for homeowners to upgrade their gas furnace with a heat pump. I’m not going to get into the politics of it all because I’m an HVAC Technician, not a politician. In other words, I made my mom proud. That said, this article focuses solely on the […]

Vent Free Fireplaces in Arizona

This article answers some of the most frequently asked questions we get about using vent free fireplaces in Arizona. Are vent free fireplaces allowed in Arizona? Are ventless fireplaces safe? How does a vent free fireplace work? I answer these questions and more as well as some considerations most people don’t know to ask about […]

Do Fireplaces Need Electricity?

In less than a month our schedule will flip from being mostly HVAC related calls to mostly fireplace related calls. Many of those calls will be from people planning to remodel, replace, or install a new fireplace or fire pit. Customers are often surprised when we talk about how we will get electricity to a […]

How To Cool Your Home on Hot Days

This article is Part 2 of an article I recently posted titled, “AC Not Working? Try This if Your House is Not Cooling Down”. I received a few messages from readers wanting more information about additional steps they could take to cool their home. Ask and you shall receive. Here are specific things you can […]

AC Not Working? Try This If Your House is Not Cooling Down.

It’s mid-July in Phoenix, AZ and the temperature will reach 112°F today for the 14th day in a row. Unfortunately, the forecast in our area is 119°F by this weekend. As you might expect, air conditioning companies like Magic Touch Mechanical are getting bombarded with emergency service requests this week. The most common messages we […]

Up To a $2,000 Tax Credit for Heat Pumps & Air Conditioners Installed in 2023

By now most of us have heard about the Inflation Reduction Act which went into effect on January 1, 2023. Included in the act, homeowners can get up to a $2,000 tax credit for heat pumps. What HVAC System Qualifies for a 2023 Tax Credit? Upgrades to home HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) equipment entitles […]